Hi. I'm Felix

A 20 year old Software Engineering Student.

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Who Am I?

My name is Felix Standen, I am currently a second year Software Engineering student at Sheffield Hallam University.

I am from the Leeds area but I'm currently living in Sheffield while I complete my degree.

My Skills

Some of the languages and tools that I have experiance with are...

Python, C# + Xamarin, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML5, SQL and Git. I am currently learning Kotlin & C++.

As well as programming I have also learnt skills such as Project Lifecycles, Project Management and the creation of UML Diagrams to help design a project and many more...

My Projects

Spatial decision support system for different unique hotel locations in Malaysia

This was my first group project of University and we were tasked with creating a decision support system for unique hotel locations in Malaysia, specifically the the Kedah region.

In the group project I was the group leader, this involved making sure everybody was okay with what they were doing and communicating with the client in Malaysia.

Some of the tools and languages we used were... HTML, JS, PHP, CSS, and SQL. During this project we also needed to have live weather information and an interactable map, to do this we took advantage of 2 APIs one was the Google Maps API and the other was the OpenWeatherMap API.

NAHRIM project

Task Management System

I also have created a task managament system, this was my first project while at University, this one was a solo project and what the system did was it allowed users to create their own accounts and the create task lists where they then stored tasks into them, users could also share task lists with other users which allows collaberation.

Some of the languages used in this one were HTML, PHP, CSS, and SQL.

Task Management System

Flags Quiz Game

This was a relativly simple multiple choice quiz game that I developed, There were 3 difficulty modes Easy, Medium and Hard. When a user played hard mode their time was recorded and stored for new users to try and beat their time.

This project was built in C# using Visual Studio's Windows Forms.

Flag Game

Console Based Music Media Tracker

This is a program where users can track their current music collection, music can be added where the user will need to fill out certain descriptions of the music such as the name of it, the band, the label and more. Finally users can also create unique profiles which can also be edited and hold their unique music collections.

This project was built in C# using Visual Studio.

Music Tracker

My Interests









Contact Me

Please email 'standenfe@gmail.com' for any enquiries.

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